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Goals and Resolutions for 2020


Updated: Feb 28, 2020

Hey guys,

It’s been years since I’ve updated this blog 🙂 Almost forgot I even had this.

How has life been for you guys?

It’s been pretty good for me. Over the last couple years, a few personal highlights and milestones passed:

  1. Got my first bonus after many years (as for  many years I’ve been doing consultation work)

  2. Finally (!!!) managed to book a HDB BTO after almost 2 years of balloting

  3. Handed over a church ministry which I’d invested a lot of time and money over the last 9 years

  4. Took up a more senior appointment in a local charity organization

In terms of investments, I have to admit that I’ve not been diligently investing, and knowing that it’s important to have time vested in the market, this is something I wish to start doing properly from this year onwards. Now that I’ve handed over a lot of day-to-day responsibilities in running the ministry to the next generation of leaders, I have a lot more time on my hands to really get serious.

So, all-in-all there are just two big resolutions for 2020.

  1. Financial Investments

    1. Cutting down on expenses

    2. Increasing passive income 

    3. Doing more financial research and analyses

  2. Investments in Self

    1. Taking good care of my health

    2. Overcoming procrastinations in professional certifications

    3. Reading more

I could probably put together a post or two about how I intend to do these two groups of items, and if anything else (since nobody really reads this blog), I hope that this can be a good accountability tool for my future self when I re-visit this blog next time.

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